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Learn from parenting experts in a relaxed, judgement-free environment with your baby.

Baby Apparel

Family First Aid Class - £30pp

Feel Confident to Act Fast in an Emergency with Feola from Daisy First Aid. The course covers: - Infection control when giving first aid - CPR - baby, child & adult -Recovery positions - baby, child & adult - Choking - baby, child & adult - Meningitis - Anaphylaxis - Burns - Head injuries - Febrile seizures - Broken bones - Poison - Bleeding & bandaging - Shock Who is this course for? This two hour class is perfect for anyone that has or cares for a baby or child and wants to learn some basic first aid skills without being overwhelmed with technical information. After the session parents/grandparents and carers will feel confident to act fast in an emergency. Learning first aid doesn't have to be scary - we aim to take the fear out of first aid for parents. The class takes place in a relaxed environment with refreshments and space and toys for mobile babies to play.

Newborn Baby

Infant Sleep Workshop - £30pp

Wednesday 1st November 10am - 12pm

Venue: D2D Studio, Curtis Road, Dorking

Proven Tips for Supporting Your Little One To Sleep Well with Beth, Gentle Sleep coach and Founder of Sweet Dreams Little Ones. Who is this course for? Are you a new mum who wants to understand normal newborn sleep behaviour? Would you like to know how to implement healthy sleep habits from a young age? Perhaps you just need some reassurance and to feel confident about how to support your little one. When it comes to sleeping like a baby, there’s no magic wand, but by being informed and learning sleep support tips you’ll be in the best place to support your little one to sleep well. After completing a short survey Beth will create a bespoke sleep plan for you! For just £30! You can enjoy a relaxed morning with baby and other new mums. Hot drinks and pastries are provided.

Young Mother

Pumping Breastmilk & Bottle
Feeding Workshop - £30pp

Supporting your infant feeding journey with up-to-date information in a judgement-free environment from Rose, Birth & More Ltd Who is this course for? There are many reasons why you may decide to pump breastmilk. Whatever your reasons, in this workshop you will learn how to choose the right pump for you, check it fits, tips for a positive pumping experience, how to safely store and use stored breastmilk and paced bottle feeding. ​ You will also understand how breastmilk is produced on a supply and demand basis and therefore how to protect your supply and avoid discomfort and infections.

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